Hashing in Seperate Chainning
The file HashInt.txt (in a separate file) contains 100,000 integers all randomly chosen between 1 and 1,000,000 (there might be some repetitions).This is considered as an array of integers where the ith row of the file gives you the ith entry of the array. Given below are 9 "target sums", in increasing order: 231552, 234756, 596873, 648219, 726312, 981237, 988331, 1277361, 1283379. You are required to implement the hash table-based algorithm and determine, for each of the 9 target sums x, whether or not x can be formed as the sum of two entries in the given array.
Your answer should be in the form of a 9-bit string, with a 1 indicating "yes" for the corresponding target sum and 0 indicating "no". For example, if you discover that all of the target sums except for the 5th and the 7th one (i.e., except for 726312 and 988331) can be formed from pairs from the input file, then your answer should be "111101011" (without the quotes). The answer should be in the same order as the target sums listed above (i.e., in increasing order of the target).
Solution to the above problem
According to our solution we used Separate Chaining concept to implement the hash table. Because in Open addressing methods that have primary clustering and secondary clustering scenarios. And also separate chaining not critical to make the table size a prime number, as it is with the quadratic probes and double hashing. When we use the open addressing concept, the exception is the plenty of memory is available and size should not expand after the table is created. Hash Table consists of 10000 slots which each has its own list to keep data. Each line read from the text file and gets the hash value to select the corresponding slot in the Hash Table for data.
We used 10000 slots, because of its help to constant time (O (1)) to access the corresponding slot for each data. In this implementation duplicates are allowed. All items with the same hash key should be inserted in the same list. So if we want to discover those elements we must search the entire list in both successful search and unsuccessful searches.
In our implementation we included the sorted list which not speeds up the successful search, but it could reduce the time of unsuccessful search. There insertion time gets increase, because the new item can’t just be inserted at the beginning of the list. But if the list gets too short the increase of the insertion time may not be important. That’s another reason for I selected the Hash Table size to 10000 slots.
According to the problem we must have to search the target sums inside the Hash table. As a result searching method uses frequently to find the sums in the Hash Table. To get the solution for that we reduce the each data from the text with target sums and find remaining element in the Hash Table. There should be happened successful searches and unsuccessful searches (element not at the list). In successful search that hashes to the appropriate list which associates with a slot in Hash table. And searches along the list for the element. In average time half the elements must be examined before the correct one is located (time: 1+loadfactor/2). This is guaranteed whether the lists are sorted or not. In an unsuccessful search, if the lists are unsorted all elements must be searched (time: 1+loadfactor). But in sorted list half the element must be examined in an unsuccessful search. That’s the reason for that we choose the sorted list structure.
Implementation in C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace Hashing
class SeperateChaining
static void Main(string[] args)
int aKey;
ListNode item;
int size=1000;
int[] targetSums={231552, 234756, 596873, 648219, 726312, 981237, 988331, 1277361, 1283379};
int strlen = targetSums.Length;
char[] str=new char[strlen];
HashTable theHashTable=new HashTable(size);//Create the HashTable
Console.WriteLine("\n---------------------------System Controllers-----------------------------------");
Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t1. Insert Data to List : i");
Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t2. Delete Data from the List : d");
Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t3. Find specific value in the List : f");
Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t4. Show the List : s");
Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t5. Show the String bit pattern of target sums : t");
Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t6. Exit from the System : e");
//Read the File
Readfile r=new Readfile();
int[] dataSet = r.readFile();
r.closeFile();//End of the file reading
SeperateChaining sep_chain=new SeperateChaining();
sep_chain.printMessage("\nEnter the control key : ");
char choice=sep_chain.getChar();//Get the one character at a time to control the system
case 's':
theHashTable.displayHashTable();//Display the whole HashTable
case 'i':
for(int k=0;k<dataSet.Length;k++){
item=new ListNode(aKey);//Create a new ListNode to each element
theHashTable.insert(item);//Insert ListNode to the HashTable
case 'd':
sep_chain.printMessage("\nEnter value to delete : ");
aKey=sep_chain.getInt();//Get the value to delete
item=theHashTable.search(aKey);//Find that element in the HashTable
if(item != null)
theHashTable.delete(aKey);//Element get hit then perform the delete operation
Console.WriteLine("Could not search "+aKey);
case 'f':
sep_chain.printMessage("\nEnter value to search : ");
item=theHashTable.search(aKey);//Search the given element in the HashTable
if(item != null)
Console.WriteLine("Found "+aKey);
Console.WriteLine("Could not search "+aKey);
case 't':
int txtValue=0;
for(int k=0;k<targetSums.Length;k++){
for(int j=0;j<dataSet.Length;j++){
if(txtValue < 0)
if(theHashTable.search(txtValue) != null){
for(int k=0;k<targetSums.Length;k++){
Console.Write(str[k]+" ");
case 'n':
Console.WriteLine("\nWARNING : Don't send NULL character again............\n");
case 'm':
Console.WriteLine("\nWARNING : Don't send more than one character.............\n");
case 'e':
Console.WriteLine("\nExit from the System sucessfully...................\n");
sep_chain.printMessage("\nYour input is invalid\n");
//Print the message
public void printMessage(string s){
//Read the console input as string
public static string getString(){
string s=Console.ReadLine();
return s;
//Read the one character from the console input
public char getChar(){
string s=getString();
if (s.Length == 0)
return 'n';
else if(s.Length > 1)
return 'm';
return s[0];
//Cast the given searching or deleting element to int
public int getInt(){
string s=getString();
int numValue;
bool parsed = Int32.TryParse(s, out numValue);
if (!parsed)
Console.WriteLine("\nWARNING : Could not parse '{0}' to an int.............",s);
Console.Write("Return value become zero : ");
return 0;
return Int32.Parse(s);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Hashing
class HashTable
private Array[] hashArray;//Array of list
private int arrayLength;
//Constructor for the array
public HashTable(int size){
arrayLength = size;
hashArray = new Array[arrayLength];//Create the array
for(int j=0;j<arrayLength;j++)
hashArray[j] = new Array();//Fill array with dummy nodes
//Display the whole elements in the Hash Table
public void displayHashTable(){
for(int j=0;j<arrayLength;j++){
Console.Write("("+j+") ");
//Hash key generating function
public int hashFunction(int key){
return key%arrayLength;
//Insert the ListNode
public void insert(ListNode theListNode){
int key=theListNode.value;
int hashVal=hashFunction(key);//Generate the hash key to value
hashArray[hashVal].insert(theListNode);//Insert the node in to corrosponding slot in the array
//Delete the ListNode
public void delete(int key){
int hashVal=hashFunction(key);
//Find the ListNode
public ListNode search(int key){
int hashVal=hashFunction(key);
ListNode theListNode=hashArray[hashVal].search(key);
return theListNode;//Return the ListNode
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Hashing
class HashTable
private Array[] hashArray;//Array of list
private int arrayLength;
//Constructor for the array
public HashTable(int size){
arrayLength = size;
hashArray = new Array[arrayLength];//Create the array
for(int j=0;j<arrayLength;j++)
hashArray[j] = new Array();//Fill array with dummy nodes
//Display the whole elements in the Hash Table
public void displayHashTable(){
for(int j=0;j<arrayLength;j++){
Console.Write("("+j+") ");
//Hash key generating function
public int hashFunction(int key){
return key%arrayLength;
//Insert the ListNode
public void insert(ListNode theListNode){
int key=theListNode.value;
int hashVal=hashFunction(key);//Generate the hash key to value
hashArray[hashVal].insert(theListNode);//Insert the node in to corrosponding slot in the array
//Delete the ListNode
public void delete(int key){
int hashVal=hashFunction(key);
//Find the ListNode
public ListNode search(int key){
int hashVal=hashFunction(key);
ListNode theListNode=hashArray[hashVal].search(key);
return theListNode;//Return the ListNode
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Hashing
class Array
private ListNode head;//Reference to the first list item
public Array()
head = null;
//Insert the ListNode to Array
public void insert(ListNode theListNode)
int key = theListNode.value;
ListNode previous = null;//Start insert at initially
ListNode current = head;
//Searching until end of the list
while (current != null && key > current.value)
previous = current;
current = current.next;//Access the next item
//At the begining of list
if (previous == null)
head = theListNode;
else//Not at the begining
previous.next = theListNode;
theListNode.next = current;
//Delete a given ListNode
public void delete(int key)
ListNode previous = null;//Start at initially
ListNode current = head;
while (current != null && key != current.value)
previous = current;
current = current.next;//Access the next link
//At the begining of list delete the first ListNode
if (previous == null)
head = head.next;
else//Delete the current ListNode
previous.next = current.next;
//Find the relevent ListNode
public ListNode search(int key)
ListNode current = head;//Start at the begining
//Find the corrosponding ListNode and then return it
while (current != null && current.value <= key)
if (current.value == key)
return current;
current = current.next;//Access the next item
return null;//Didn't find return null
//Display the elements associate with each slot in the array
public void displayArraySlots(){
Console.Write("head(Dummy Node) ");
ListNode current = head;//Start at the begining of the list
while(current != null){
current = current.next;//Access the next ListNode
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Hashing
class Array
private ListNode head;//Reference to the first list item
public Array()
head = null;
//Insert the ListNode to Array
public void insert(ListNode theListNode)
int key = theListNode.value;
ListNode previous = null;//Start insert at initially
ListNode current = head;
//Searching until end of the list
while (current != null && key > current.value)
previous = current;
current = current.next;//Access the next item
//At the begining of list
if (previous == null)
head = theListNode;
else//Not at the begining
previous.next = theListNode;
theListNode.next = current;
//Delete a given ListNode
public void delete(int key)
ListNode previous = null;//Start at initially
ListNode current = head;
while (current != null && key != current.value)
previous = current;
current = current.next;//Access the next link
//At the begining of list delete the first ListNode
if (previous == null)
head = head.next;
else//Delete the current ListNode
previous.next = current.next;
//Find the relevent ListNode
public ListNode search(int key)
ListNode current = head;//Start at the begining
//Find the corrosponding ListNode and then return it
while (current != null && current.value <= key)
if (current.value == key)
return current;
current = current.next;//Access the next item
return null;//Didn't find return null
//Display the elements associate with each slot in the array
public void displayArraySlots(){
Console.Write("head(Dummy Node) ");
ListNode current = head;//Start at the begining of the list
while(current != null){
current = current.next;//Access the next ListNode
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace Hashing
class Readfile
StreamReader buff=null;
List<string> v=new List<string>();
public void openFile(){
buff=new StreamReader("HashInt.txt");//Open the file to read
}catch(Exception ex){
Console.WriteLine("File can't open : "+ex);
//Read content of the file
public int[] readFile(){
string s = buff.ReadLine();
while (s != null)
v.Add(s);//Add each element to the list
s = buff.ReadLine();//Read next line
}catch(NullReferenceException ex){
//Cast each element of the list and put it in to the int array
int[] dataSet=new int[v.Count];
for(int j=0;j<v.Count;j++){
return dataSet;//Return the int array
//Close File after the reading completed
public void closeFile(){
buff.Close();//Close the file
}catch(NullReferenceException ex){
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace Hashing
class Readfile
StreamReader buff=null;
List<string> v=new List<string>();
public void openFile(){
buff=new StreamReader("HashInt.txt");//Open the file to read
}catch(Exception ex){
Console.WriteLine("File can't open : "+ex);
//Read content of the file
public int[] readFile(){
string s = buff.ReadLine();
while (s != null)
v.Add(s);//Add each element to the list
s = buff.ReadLine();//Read next line
}catch(NullReferenceException ex){
//Cast each element of the list and put it in to the int array
int[] dataSet=new int[v.Count];
for(int j=0;j<v.Count;j++){
return dataSet;//Return the int array
//Close File after the reading completed
public void closeFile(){
buff.Close();//Close the file
}catch(NullReferenceException ex){
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Hashing
class ListNode
public int value;//Data of the ListNode
public ListNode next;//Reference to the next ListNode
//Fill Data to each ListNode
public ListNode(int num)
value = num;
//Display the content of the ListNode
public void displayListNode(){
Console.Write(value+" ");
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Hashing
class ListNode
public int value;//Data of the ListNode
public ListNode next;//Reference to the next ListNode
//Fill Data to each ListNode
public ListNode(int num)
value = num;
//Display the content of the ListNode
public void displayListNode(){
Console.Write(value+" ");
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